
So, a couple weeks ago, (yeah, I’m behind…), Hannah came in from outside to talk to me.  She said, “Um, Christopher says he needs to go to the bathroom…”

I said, “Tell him to come inside.”

She replied, “Um, that’s the thing.  Robby just dug a hole in the backyard, for a toilet he said, and Christopher wants to use it.”

“Ahh!”  You can imagine my dismay….  I ran outside, and this is what I found:

Yeah, he even got toilet paper.  Rest assured, there’s nothing beneath the paper except dirt- (the “toilet” had yet to be used!)  :0)  I had to laugh, though.  He was trying to be a good Boy Scout…

General Conference

One of my favorite talks today in General Conference was given my Sister Ann M. Dibb.  She talked about how important it is to be confident in your Church membership, just like the apostle Paul who said, “…I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. …”

When I was in Young Women’s, I had no problem just telling anyone that I am a Mormon.  And now that I am older, I am finding more opportunities out in the world to let others get to know me.  I’ve never been a full-time missionary, and I suppose it is somewhat daunting to know how to go about teaching others of the true gospel.

So, right now, I, too, want to say,  “I’m a Mormon.  I know it.  I live it.  I LOVE it!”

I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true church on this earth today.  It was organized under the direction of our Heavenly Father, and has the same principles and ordinances that existed in Christ’s church when He was on the earth.  The Priesthood has been restored!  And through this holy power, I have seen many miracles brought about- the most recent being my amazing Dad.  I love my family, and I am SO thankful to know that families are forever!  I am very thankful for Temples, because of the covenants and blessings made and given therein.  I know my Heavenly Father loves me, and knows me!  I am thankful for the atonement.  I know that without my Savior, Jesus Christ, I would be lost.  But, because He died for me, I can change my ways and repent of my sins and return to live with my Heavenly Father.  I am thankful for the knowledge I have, and the opportunity to learn more!  And, I say these things, in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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Happy Birthday, Mallie!

My cute little Mallie turned ONE today!  I can’t believe how fast that time went!  And, I can’t imagine life without her!  And, neither can the rest of the family!  Her brothers and sisters dote on her, and love her to death!  Her daddy has a soft spot for her…  :0)

Oh, my goodness!  I just LOVE this little munchkin!

She enjoyed sitting on her present!  :0)

Look at this cute little face!

She LOVES her little push along thingamajig.

Happy Birthday, my sweet little Mallie!  (Feel free to stay this little forever!)  I love you!


Ivon was having fun with my camera, trying the different modes it has.  And, he came across this neat little effect:

How creepy is that?!  Just in time for Halloween!  It’s funny, too, because this was taken at my Mom and Dad’s house.  Mom is a genealogist…

I’m not too sure how he did it.  The camera was set on Portrait- ISO 100, and the camera chose the aperture and shutter speed.  The light was low, no flash.  Ivon would have the kids stand really still for about three seconds, and then they’d run!  The shutter speed was really slow… Don’t know.  We couldn’t get Mallie to hold still for three seconds, though- and then I’d have to pull her out of the shot…  I am going to take a photography class soon, and hopefully I can figure more of this awesome stuff out!

Hannah’s Baptism

My sweet little Hannah was baptized today.  Such a wonderful experience!

For the program, her and the other little girl who was getting baptized, sang “If The Savior Stood Beside Me” by Sally DeFord.

If the Savior stood beside me,
would I do the things I do?
Would I think of His commandments,
and try harder to be true?
Would I follow His example?
Would I live more righteously
if I could see the Savior standing nigh,
watching over me?

If the Savior stood beside me,
would I say the things I say?
Would my words be true and kind
if He was never far away?
Would I try to share the gospel?
Would I speak more rev’rently
if I could see the Savior standing nigh,
watching over me?

He is always near me,
though I do not see Him there,
And because He loves me dearly,
I am in His watchful care.
So I’ll be the kind of person
that I know I’d like to be
if I could see the Savior standing nigh,
watching over me.

I think I have a new favorite Primary song!  Two beautiful girls, (who happened to be wearing matching dresses), bearing their testimonies through song.  The Spirit was so strong in there!  Their voices were so clear!  She did such a good job!  (She was SO nervous about it, though!)

Isn’t she pretty?!  I LOVE my sweet Hannah!


When she was baptized, it was amazing!  Such a wonderful feeling that comes into the room- I can’t even begin to describe it.  To see her step into the water, and watch her Dad baptize her, and bring her up out of the water!  SO wonderful!  When I went to help her out of the water, she looked up at me with those BIG, beautiful blue eyes and gave me a gorgeous smile!  I hugged her sweet, wet head…  I LOVE THIS GIRL!  What would I do without her?!

Hannah, I am so thankful to be your Mother!  I am SO thankful for your sweet, sensitive spirit!  I am so thankful that you will be mine forever!  And, I thank our Heavenly Father for you and your brothers and sisters all the time.  Thank you for being such a good girl!  You are a wonderful example to me, your Dad, and your siblings!  Honestly, I don’t know what we would do without you!  We love you so much!

Happy Birthday, Ivon!

Ivon turned into an old man today.  :0)  Just over night.  :0)  And what a day we’ve had!  He baptized Hannah this morning.  (That’s in the next post.)  We then had lunch with the Van Duren/Cullumber clan.  Then, Ivon wanted to go to KSM guitars to go look at guitars and drums.  (I thought I’d indulge him- it was his birthday after all.  And then, it felt like we were breaking the Sabbath or something, because of Hannah’s baptism earlier, making it feel like Sunday, and then we went to the store…  :0)  )  Then, we went to the Book Table to look at their broken pianos, (broken baby grand pianos that they wanted tens of thousands of dollars for), and their guitars- which were awesome!  He got to play a couple really expensive guitars- he was SO excited!  Then, we went to Callaway’s for dinner.  We came home for cupcakes and ice cream.

He he!  I put all the candles we had on his cupcake!  The kids LOVED it!  Especially when Ivon started waving his hand through the flame.  (He’s SUCH a great example.)  After we sang to him, he clapped his hands over the flame to blow them out, and ended up getting wax on his hands! :0)

Anyway, Happy Birthday Ivon!  Love ya TONS!