
So, a couple weeks ago, (yeah, I’m behind…), Hannah came in from outside to talk to me.  She said, “Um, Christopher says he needs to go to the bathroom…”

I said, “Tell him to come inside.”

She replied, “Um, that’s the thing.  Robby just dug a hole in the backyard, for a toilet he said, and Christopher wants to use it.”

“Ahh!”  You can imagine my dismay….  I ran outside, and this is what I found:

Yeah, he even got toilet paper.  Rest assured, there’s nothing beneath the paper except dirt- (the “toilet” had yet to be used!)  :0)  I had to laugh, though.  He was trying to be a good Boy Scout…

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3 Responses to Boys….

  1. Heather Pehrson says:

    HA HA HA!!!!

  2. Haha! Funny kid. Wow!!!

  3. Stefanie says:

    Ah, the joys of having boys. Love those kids! At least they are ready to go camping. =o)