General Conference

One of my favorite talks today in General Conference was given my Sister Ann M. Dibb.  She talked about how important it is to be confident in your Church membership, just like the apostle Paul who said, “…I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. …”

When I was in Young Women’s, I had no problem just telling anyone that I am a Mormon.  And now that I am older, I am finding more opportunities out in the world to let others get to know me.  I’ve never been a full-time missionary, and I suppose it is somewhat daunting to know how to go about teaching others of the true gospel.

So, right now, I, too, want to say,  “I’m a Mormon.  I know it.  I live it.  I LOVE it!”

I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true church on this earth today.  It was organized under the direction of our Heavenly Father, and has the same principles and ordinances that existed in Christ’s church when He was on the earth.  The Priesthood has been restored!  And through this holy power, I have seen many miracles brought about- the most recent being my amazing Dad.  I love my family, and I am SO thankful to know that families are forever!  I am very thankful for Temples, because of the covenants and blessings made and given therein.  I know my Heavenly Father loves me, and knows me!  I am thankful for the atonement.  I know that without my Savior, Jesus Christ, I would be lost.  But, because He died for me, I can change my ways and repent of my sins and return to live with my Heavenly Father.  I am thankful for the knowledge I have, and the opportunity to learn more!  And, I say these things, in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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2 Responses to General Conference

  1. Heather says:

    Thank you for this Amber! I too was greatly touched by all of the talks today and I can’t wait for tomorrow!

  2. Thank you, Amber! I had to miss the first session today because I was at school and I hear I missed out on A LOT! I can’t wait to read all of the talks. I am also looking forward to tomorrow!