Mallie Took A Step!

She did it just tonight!  The little stinker! She’s SO CUTE! I’m surprised I was able to get it on camera- especially before the battery died on it!  Enjoy!  :0)

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3 Responses to Mallie Took A Step!

  1. Stefanie says:

    Are you kidding me?! She is growing up WAY too fast! I LOVE how all the kids are trying to help her out and be there for her. So cute. Miss you guys!

  2. Heather says:

    What a turkey! She is supposed to stay itty bitty for at least a while longer!!! Such a cute girl!

  3. CUTE!!! What happened to tiny baby Mallie? She is so big now! Oh, Lily had those same jammies! She just outgrew them. They are so fancy! I can’t wait to see you all on Saturday!