No Training Wheels!

Yesterday, Robby learned how to ride his bike without training wheels!  We’ve been trying for a week or two to get him to do it, but, he’s been too scared.  Which, I suppose, is why he was whining about having to do it.  But, yesterday, while Grandpa was here, Robby asked him to help him ride his bike.  So, Grandpa got behind him, and gave him a great big shove.  Over and over again.  Grandpa would run alongside him to make sure he didn’t crash too hard.  And pretty soon, Robby was able to keep his balance!  Yay!
This one’s my favorite!

He needs to work on his steering a bit more, though…

This one reminds me of my sister, Heather.
Childhood experiences… I will let her explain!
By the end of the evening, he was getting pretty good
and was quite proud of himself!
And, when Daddy got home from work, Robby was so excited to show him how good he was doing.  He was able to start himself, stop himself before he crashed, and keep himself upright.  He’s doing great!
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