Robby’s First Day of Kindergarten

Can you believe it?  I can’t.  He’s now in school.  
Heaven help Birch Creek Elementary!  Just kidding.
I really don’t know what’s with his smiles.
I think they are broken and under construction.
Doesn’t he look cute?!
He was so excited!
Especially because he got to wear his Spiderman shirt.
The picture changes to color when he’s in the sun.
I now have three kids in school.
Christopher had to pose for the camera…
with his backpack and “hallma-ike” (a.k.a. homework. The notebook).
For when he goes to “gool”.
He’s going to be mighty lonely without Robby.
Until Mallie comes, of course.
Then he’ll be a “great” “HELP(!)”.
Robby was mostly ready for me to go.
I sure had a hard time leaving him there.
Especially with this face…
He had a great day, though.
When I asked him, “What did you do?”,
he said, “Nothing.”
Typical answer from my children about school.
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