So, yeah. It’s been a LONG time! Things have been INCREDIBLY busy for these Cullumber’s- I don’t even know where to begin! Let’s see, shall we start back in February? Ivon and I had been toying with the idea of building a new house for quite a while- a somewhat duplex sort of home, so that Mom and Dad could move in with us, what with Dad’s health and all. Ivon said it was 5-10 years away, I said, no, it would be about a year. Well, that was a year ago. (Guess who was right?! SHHH! I didn’t say a thing!) Anyway, in February, we found a half acre of land for sale, just around the corner from us. It was PERFECT! We made an offer, and it was accepted. Then came the waiting game with the bank. We waited for two months for them to finally tell us that we would have to sell our house before they would give us a loan for the property and a house to be built thereon. (Meanwhile, the property contract expired, and I was freaking out that someone else would pick up “our” land!). We rushed to finish all the construction projects in our house, which were quite a few! The main one being the master bathroom that had been under construction for six years… :0) We got those projects done in two weeks. Ivon put our house up for sale- before they were done, mind you. He listed it on Within an hour, we had two appointments to show our house. The first one was promising, the second a no show. But, after a week and a half of no more appointments, and no offers, we decided to list it with a realtor- the realtor who had listed “our” property. Within 45 minutes of making the call to Norm (our realtor), we got a call from another guy, inquiring about our listing on KSL. They wanted to come see the house! And, well, they LOVED it! They made an offer! (We were also able to make another offer on “our” property, securing it again!) Our house was listed for only a week and a half! Of course, we had to wait another month or so for their loan to go through- which gave us time to get things ready to move. We were told that we would sign on July 10th, so that’s what we aimed for. Well, on June 15th, we got a call, saying that we would be signing on the 21st! AHH! We had a few days to finish packing up and move! But, with the help of wonderful family and ward members, we were able to get it done. So, where did we move to? Well, we decided against camping for a few months, or purchasing a trailer and staying on the property while the house was being built. We have moved in with my Mom and Dad! It’s been quite an adjustment for all of us, including the five cats that are now together under one roof. With it being a little over a month later, I think I can honestly say that things are easing up for all of us. The kids are getting settled in, the cats are getting more used to each other, and we even got one room built in Mom and Dad’s basement!
So, there ya have it in a nutshell. :0) I figured I’d also post my monthly pages I’ve done up for my year book, because those have all the pictures to go with what I’ve just told you. :0)
I’ll probably post my July ones, too,
if when I get them done! (Come on, it’s only the 2nd of August!)
OH!!!! And, they finally dug the hole for our house yesterday! YAY! I’ll post pictures of that soon, too! (Hopefully!) :0)
So glad to see you back on here! I love the pages and am proud of all you have been able to accomplish these last few, crazy months! Way to go!!!
Wow! You are amazing! How on earth have you found time to scrapbook?! Go you!!! Love you!