Kids Are Funny!

Okay, so, I think Hannah has pink eye.  Yay!  :0}  So, we were talking about it after dinner tonight, and Christopher was remembering when he had it awhile ago.  He said,

“I had a bug stuck in my eye.  It got sticky stuff stuck on my eye, like glue.  I think it was bug poo.”


And then, today, while I took Hannah into the doctor, Ivon watched Christopher and Mallie there at his work.  Those two usually do really well- Christopher always loves to go to work with Daddy because he can build robots with Daddy.  But, Mallie didn’t like it-  AT ALL!  She’s still not feeling really great.  Ivon said she screamed most of the time.  Grandpa Cullumber fed her mac n’ cheese, and she had string cheese and other snacks- but, it wasn’t enough.  She was tired, she was mad, she was done.  She grabbed her coat, gave it to Daddy, he put it on her, and she walked out the door!  :0)


Well, I suppose this one is funny and not funny.  Funny if you know how Robby is- how he’s always been!  Not funny because, well, he got hurt!  :0)  Take a look!

Nice, huh?  Poor guy!  He was trying to be a gymnast on our kitchen chairs, hanging between the backs of two of them.  Well, he started swinging.  Just as Daddy was going to tell him that that wasn’t a good idea, Robby’s arms couldn’t hold him and he fell, forehead first onto the hard kitchen floor.  Same old Robby, he doesn’t try to catch his fall- well, except with his head.  :0)  Let me tell ya, Witch Hazel works wonders for keeping bruising and swelling down!  :0)

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2 Responses to Kids Are Funny!

  1. Crazy, wonderful kiddos! I love them! That Mallie sure has quite the personality, huh? What a cute little person! Poor Robby and his owies! Hope it gets better soon. And that Christopher! I’ve never seen such a character! They all make me laugh!

  2. Heather says:

    What goofs you have over there! Poor Robby needs to wear a helmet full-time! Or bumper pads… :)