Five Months!

Every month goes by so fast!
I didn’t post last month, because I was waiting to get Mallie into the
doctor for her Well Child check-up, so I could post her stats.
Well, I just barely got her in last week.  Oops.
Her stats are as follows:
Weight~ 14 lbs. 15 1/2 oz. (57%)
Length~ 24 1/2 in. (34%)
Head~  17 in. (ahem… 91%)
So, she’s short, chunky, and has a big head.  And SO cute!

She’s so much fun!  She loves to hear her own voice,
and let everyone else hear it, too…
She LOVES to eat.  She eats a big bowl of cereal twice a day,
and still acts like she’s starving!
I feed her her cereal in her bouncer.
Well, she’s recently figured out how to bounce.
And she bounces HIGH!  If she wasn’t strapped in….
She bounces highest when she’s excited.  And food makes her excited!
So, as I’m trying to get the spoon to her mouth, she’s bouncing high and wild…
 some gets on her hand because she grabs the spoon,
some on her “fored-head” and eyebrows, and some goes up her nose,
(thank goodness for the battery-powered booger sucker!).
It’s quite the task to clean up after.
We are really enjoying our little Mallie!  She’s such a sweetie!  :o)
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