Rollie Pollies

Christopher has found new friends.  They are rollie pollies.  He LOVES them!  He has this bug cage for their home (which they escape from), he build hotels for them with his toy trucks, and, the other day, he made a swimming pool for them.

I told him that rollie pollies don’t know how to swim.  So, he asked if we could buy them a life jacket.  I had to tell him that they don’t make life jackets for rollie pollies.  So, he made one himself!

That’s the life jacket.  :0)

That’s the rollie pollie on the life jacket.  :0)

He also told me the other day, that, “I can’t kill rollie pollies, cause Heavenly Fader would come down in His helicopter and take dem away from me.”  :0)

This is the rollie pollie drowning swimming in his new pool.

See that truck back there?  His rollie pollies go driving around the house in that.

Now, I had to discreetly rescue the poor rollie pollie.  He really was drowning.  Christopher couldn’t find him after that.  The poor thing probably ran for cover.  :0)

I sure love this kid and his imagination!

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2 Responses to Rollie Pollies

  1. Hahahahahahahahaha!!! SO FUNNY! I love the life jackets. Tape, huh? Teehee. What a cute and sweet little boy!

  2. Heather says:

    What a cutie pie! Love this kiddo!