
So, on the 3rd we took Hannah to her appointment
at Primary Children’s.
I brought a list of ALL of Hannah’s problems.
From headaches to limbs falling asleep all the time,
to extreme tummy pain, brittle bones, bad teeth, difficulty sleeping,
bladder problems, fatigue, and a weird rash that comes and goes.
I also included our extensive family history.
That alone should have been enough to scare a doctor away.
Doctor Patel had some labs done to test her TSH (low normal), sedimentation rate (normal),
zinc (normal), giardia (negative), c. diff (negative), and blood in the stool (negative).
He actually thinks that her problem may be more
along the lines of a rheumatic or neurological problem.
So, we get to go to two more doctors.
He needs their input before he can make a diagnosis.
He seems to be pretty on top of it.
He gave her a medication, too, to help stop the pain in her tummy.
(Which has some evil side effects, too).
The only problem is we have to wait another two and three months
to get her into these other doctors.
This past week has been REALLY difficult for me.
Yes, I know I’m not the one who has the health problem.
It’s just that it’s so hard to tell Hannah that she has to wait a long time again,
and I have nothing for her to help her.
I feel like such a looser as a mother.  I feel like I’m failing her.
It’s SO hard to see her hurting and not be able to help!
I feel such an urgency to get this figured out for her.  Yet, my hands are tied.
She has dealt with this for so long now, and I still don’t have anything for her.
She’s had Priesthood blessings,
(one that said this would soon have a name and would be taken care of),
and I pray so much for guidance.
I know the answers will come, I do.
It’s just in the mean time…
Please pray for my Hannah.
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