Happy Birthday, Emily!

Emily turned 9 years old today.  I can’t believe how fast this time has gone!  I keep telling the kids that they can’t age any more than 5 years old.  They don’t listen to me.  Big surprise there, huh?!

She wanted a belt buckle for her gift.  Or, “hub cap” as Ivon calls them!

I wanted to get her a real cowgirl shirt, to go with her new boots and “hub cap”.

She also wanted a cowgirl hat cake…

She helped decorate it. :0)

I don’t know what I’d do without this girl!  I couldn’t get through a day without her help!  She’ll make a good mom someday.  (She just needs to practice on her own kids, and not mine.)  ;0)

Happy Birthday, Emily!  I love you TONS!

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2 Responses to Happy Birthday, Emily!

  1. Heather says:

    Hee-haw! Love the gifts. So fun! I am glad she had a good birthday!

  2. She is so cute! I can’t believe she is 9. Wow!!!