
We finally have a diagnosis for Hannah!  It’s only taken 9 months and 8 doctors to figure it out.  In the end, it was a Nurse Practitioner who finally told us what was going on and what to do about it!  Grrr!  (I was going to add a few more “R’s” to the “Grrr”, to express my frustration, but figured I should calm down… ;0) ).

Hannah has what is called Voiding Dysfunction.  It’s completely embarrassing for her- and I hope she’ll forgive me for posting about it….  But, her body doesn’t know how to “go” correctly.  As far as I know, she has always had problems, but it has gotten worse the last few years.  Her bladder wall is three times too thick- meaning it’s REALLY strong.  Her bladder and brain aren’t communicating, so her bladder decided to take matters into its own hands.  It spasms, it contracts, it does whatever it can to get that pee out- no matter where she is.  This causes leaking and a LOT of pain.  Which is where her abdominal and flank pain come in.  It also causes a LOT of bladder infections, vesicoureteral reflux (which she HAD, and is now gone!  Yippee!), and a very strong bladder muscle.

Kids can get this problem for a number of reasons.  One is because of painful voiding, from bladder infections and constipation, causing the child to hold it in because they are afraid it will hurt.  Or it could stem from abuse.  Or even a very busy child- they don’t want to stop playing, so they hold it in and they stop feeling the need to go.  The last reason could be from potty training problems.  (Someone once told me that I am a terrible potty trainer.  I’m feeling awful about that right now….  But, then, they also told me that Ivon and I would have ugly children.)  It could have been any one of these things- except the abuse one.  Her dad and I love her WAY too much to do anything to her.

So, what we have to do is retrain her body to hear and listen to the signals that the brain sends out.  She is on a strict schedule.  We bought her a watch that will vibrate, letting her know when it’s time to use the bathroom- whether she needs to or not.  I even made a chart for her, and I will have to make a pocket sized one for her for school.  It will take anywhere from 6 months to a year to retrain.  They will also have to give her medication to calm her bladder and get it to slim down.  There is no surgery needed!  :0)

I am so happy to finally have this figured out!  Hannah is going to get better!  And, half the battle is won!  :0)

(On a side note- I am publishing this post because I want to inform all the parents who read this to know how to help their own kids who may develop similar problems- I am not trying to embarrass my cute Hannah!   So, now you know…. :0)  )

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3 Responses to Hannah!

  1. Heather Pehrson says:

    I am so happy you guys finally have an answer and a name for her problem! What a sweet kid Hannah is and she is lucky to have you two for her parents (even if you are bad potty trainers and have ugly kids:) ha ha! JUST KIDDING!!!!) I love you all and if you need anything just let me know! I also love the voiding chart. Only you would make such a cute chart for her to use!!!

  2. Yay!!!!!! Cute Hannah! I am so happy this problem is figured out. What a relief! I am sure Hannah will get it all taken care of in no time. She is so smart! And, Amber, you have incredibly cute kids! Love you!

  3. Tenille says:

    I haven’t been on here for a while so I just barely saw this today. So happy for you all and for Hannah!!!! Hope she feels better soon and don’t blame yourself. We are all learning to be parents as we go along and you are a great Momma!!