So, I started a blog! Aren’t you excited? I am! Hopefully I can keep up with it… But, I am hoping to post things I’ve made, scrapbook pages I’ve done up, and just fun everyday weirdness that happens around my neck of the woods! So, sit back and enjoy!
About Me
I love creating things! Whether it's sewing, crafting, digital scrapbooking, gardening, decorating- I love it all! My greatest "creation", though, is my family! And, I hope and pray that I will always be able to remember the moments that make my family special to me! So, I suppose this blog is somewhat of a journal, so that I can look back and remember...
We Are the Thames
Perhson Family Happenings
Hepworth Family Fun
California Cullumber Family
Cullumber Family
Joyous Heather Designs