Dad’s coming home!

He’s getting picked up right now!  YAY!  He’s been SO down the last couple days.  He’s tired of being sick, tired of being in the hospital.  He’s doing much better physically- they’ve stopped the bleeding, and the infections are under control and being taken care of.  He’ll have to be on his antibiotics for two more weeks or so.  But, HE’S COMING HOME!

Rollie Pollies

Christopher has found new friends.  They are rollie pollies.  He LOVES them!  He has this bug cage for their home (which they escape from), he build hotels for them with his toy trucks, and, the other day, he made a swimming pool for them.

I told him that rollie pollies don’t know how to swim.  So, he asked if we could buy them a life jacket.  I had to tell him that they don’t make life jackets for rollie pollies.  So, he made one himself!

That’s the life jacket.  :0)

That’s the rollie pollie on the life jacket.  :0)

He also told me the other day, that, “I can’t kill rollie pollies, cause Heavenly Fader would come down in His helicopter and take dem away from me.”  :0)

This is the rollie pollie drowning swimming in his new pool.

See that truck back there?  His rollie pollies go driving around the house in that.

Now, I had to discreetly rescue the poor rollie pollie.  He really was drowning.  Christopher couldn’t find him after that.  The poor thing probably ran for cover.  :0)

I sure love this kid and his imagination!


So, if the “team” can get Dad stable by this weekend, he can come home!  I am so excited!  Probably not as excited as he is.  He’s tired of the hospital!  They will have to put in a feeding tube, because he’s loosing too much weight and doesn’t have that great of an appetite.  So, please keep him in your prayers, so that he may be able to come home asap!



Dad had an angiogram today to find the bleeder.  And, guess what?!  THEY FOUND IT!  (It was in an artery that supplies blood to the right side of the liver.)  And, even better, THEY WERE ABLE TO FIX IT!  No surgery was required!  No shutting it down, either!  I can’t tell you what a miracle that is!  I am SO thankful to my Heavenly Father!  Thanks to all who have been praying for him!  Our prayers have been heard!  :0)


They found the bleeder.  The main artery in the liver burst- an aneurism.  They have two options.  One, inject gel into the artery to shut it down.  The artery will eventually branch out, forming a new pathway.  Yet, the problem I see with that, is that they will be shutting off the main supply on a struggling liver.  Two, the will have to do surgery to repair it.  They were hoping to avoid touching the liver so soon after a major surgery.  Now, they may have to.

I will post more when I know more.  PLEASE, keep him in your prayers.  And the rest of us, if you could.  Thanks.

Mallie is 11 Months Old!

The little stinker!  She’s almost 1!  I am about freaking out!

She can stand for a couple seconds.  She has four teeth- one of them a molar.  And, another one should be cutting in a day or two.  She waves hi/bye to anyone, and she will hold a phone to her ear.  It’s SO cute!  Oh, and she tries to comb her hair.  :0)

She weighs 20 1/4 lbs (55%), length is 27.5 in (23%), and her head measures 18.3 in (93%)



We were able to go see Mom and Dad on Saturday and stay through Sunday.  Ivon watched the kids at the hotel on Saturday- while being sick (He’s sweet!)- while I went and stayed at the hospital with Mom and Dad.  Dad looked good!  He was even allowed to eat an omelet- which Mom and I had to get at 8:30 pm!  He enjoyed it much like Bob does on “What About Bob”!

He still unhooks himself from his machines and goes for walks.

Mom is holding up well, too.  Although, they’d both LOVE to be able to go home!

(She’s passing out candy like a good Grandma does!  Christopher knows that when he goes to Grandma’s house, he gets candy!)

Dad isn’t doing as good today as he was over the weekend.  His blood levels have gone down again, and they are going to have to give him some more blood.  They also found another rare type of bacteria in his liver.  That apparently makes #3.  We didn’t know he had a second one!  They also had to put in a central line, which he wasn’t too happy with.  They will do more tests to try to find the bleeding.  Still don’t know where that’s coming from.  He’s more yellow today than he was when I took these pictures.  And, they say that he will be in the ICU at least through Wednesday.  Then, probably in another room.

He needs to get better really soon!  We need him feeling good, and healing well.  Please keep him in your prayers.  He needs it!

New School Year 2012-2013

The kids started school yesterday.  It’s been fun!

Isn’t this the cutest picture ever?!

Emily started 4th grade.  :0)

Hannah started 3rd!  :0)

And, Robby is a big kid, starting 1st grade!

I’m so excited for them to be starting again, learning something new, and meeting new friends!  Here’s to a new school year!  Woohoo!  :0)


They have found that Dad’s liver infection is a rare toxic bacteria, and they figure he’s had it since November.  He’s had several liver infections since then.  They also said that it was the infection that caused the convulsions.  It’s a bad one.  Very bad.


Dad went into convulsions last night.  He hadn’t felt a need for pain medications all day yesterday.  Yet, apparently, his body was in a LOT of pain.  Dad thinks the pain is in an area that was damaged when he got shot when he was 18, and so he can’t feel it.  The nurse rushed into the room and pushed the button to get him some pain medication.  And, the convulsions stopped.

I can’t say how thankful I am that there is such a good medical team taking care of Dad right now.  They are working SO hard trying to figure out what is going on.  They still don’t know where the bleeding is coming from.  And, they won’t stop until they can find it.  The endoscopy didn’t show anything.  They will do a colonoscopy today.  They are culturing out the infection to find out what kind of bacteria it is so they can treat it the best way possible.

I just want to say “Thank You” to that team.  You’ve got one very special man in your care and I appreciate all that you are doing for him!