
We just got back from Salt Lake, visiting Dad and taking Hannah to the doctor.  Dad looks amazing!  He walks around the hospital, (because he gets really antsy sitting in bed).  He’ll walk for 40 minutes or more.  He just had major abdominal surgery 3 days ago!  The nurses keep telling him that he doesn’t look sick enough to be in ICU.  He’s still there because he got a fever.  Once the fever’s been gone for 24 hours, he can be moved to a different room.  Although, they did bump him down from ICU status to just below it.  (I can’t remember what they called it.)  They are going to try to start the radiation treatments while he’s in the hospital.  It should take 10-20 treatments.

I’m so excited at how well he’s doing!  One nurse even suggested that if Dad continues to do this well, he may be able to come home Saturday or Sunday!  Way to go Dad!

Hannah’s appointment went as expected.  Dr. Patel said that he’s not sure that her problem is gastrointestinal.  He said he feels bad that he hasn’t done anything to help her.  Yet, he’s done more than any doctor she’s seen yet.  We think it may actually be a problem with her kidneys, maybe even her parathyroid.  I asked him to test her for hyperparathyroidism.  And, he is sending a referral to a nephrologist, and we will go from there…


Dad is doing well.  It took the surgeon over 10 hours to work on Dad, when it was only supposed to take 6.  They were able to remove most of the cancer, and what they couldn’t, they put in wire leads so that they can  do localized radiation treatments.  Dad is currently in ICU at Salt Lake Regional Medical Center.  But, he will be moved tomorrow!  They said last night that he could be in there for a week or two.  Now, he’s going to be in there just over a day.  He’s doing well!

Dad, I love you and I am so proud of you!  You keep fighting! :0)

Dad’s Surgery Update

We’ve just received an update on Dad.  It’s cancer, again.  It’s in the bile duct and has spread to the liver just a tiny bit.  They’ve removed that portion of the bile duct and will remove what they can of the affected portion of liver.  What they can’t remove, they will be putting wire leads into, and will do radiation.  Also, he is stable and doing well and will be done in about and hour or so.

I want to take this time to bear my testimony of the power of the priesthood.  Dad has been blessed so much, and will continue to be blessed.  He has been promised that he will be made whole, and that is what will happen.  I am so thankful for my Heavenly Father and all that He has blessed us with on this earth!  I love my Dad, and I am so thankful that I will be able to have him in my life for much longer.


King Julien, from Madagascar 2, says, “I like laughing!  It’s such a good experience!”

(Do you ever have times like these?  I remember growing up, and as we’d kneel down for family prayers, something would set us all off… This one was last night.  For some reason, Robby and Christopher couldn’t stop laughing.  And, when they get like this, it’s contagious!  The video isn’t the greatest… I had to be discreet!  And, you might be able to see Mallie’s cute little foot peaking in front of the camera a time or two.)

Here’s another.  Robby is so good at getting Mallie to laugh!

Mom & Dad

I was finally able to get Mom and Dad to let me take a picture of them!  I’m sure they will be so excited to see it on my blog… (*SORRY!*).  But, I wanted everyone to see my amazing parents, who I love SO much!

(To my sisters:  I will be getting you a copy ASAP!)

I love you Mom & Dad!